Wednesday, October 16

Ultra-Low Volume Fogging Professional Services: Obtaining Powerful Disinfectants

Cleanliness in a house or an office space doesn’t only promote sanitation but also boosts productivity. Any building with air conditioning needs regular disinfection services, considering ULV fogging treatment for the application of:

  • disinfectants
  • biocides
  • fungicides
  • pesticides

What is Ultra-Low Volume fogging?

ULV fogging is a popular treatment that uses machines to produce mist or fog formed of Ultra-Love Volume droplets between 5 to 50-microns in diameter. The droplets are ideally dealing the pathogens pests and fog carriers. The formulations are applied in concentrations of 10 to 90%, making them more efficient in the VMD spectrum.

ULV fogging treatments

ULV fogging treatment is a highly recognized effective solution for flying pest control issues. Ultra Low Volume fogging is a modern technique, which disperses fine insecticide droplets. These droplets of insecticides create a fog that penetrates the hidden areas to ensure an environment from flying insects and pests.

Why use ULV fogging treatment?

  • Speed and efficiency. ULV fogging is a quick treatment of large areas, making it a time-saving solution to control fly infestations.
  • Precision. The fogging treatment targets specific areas or pests.
  • Deep penetration. The fine mist produced penetrates in hidden areas to ensure more complete treatment.
  • Versatile. It is good for various areas, including:
    • residential
    • commercial
    • agricultural
  • Cost-effective. Given its effectiveness and efficacy, Ultra Low Volume fogging is a cost-effective solution for long-term use, reducing more repetitive treatments.

How is ULV fogging performed?

ULV fogging is using a specialized machine, it is called ULV fogger. The machine produces tiny droplets of liquid from 5 to 50 microns. The spray forms liquid droplets in a fog form, using high air pressure to produce smaller fine particles. The smaller fine particles create a mist-like fog that stays suspended in the air for an extended time.

ULV fogging achieved great effectiveness as a disinfectant and pest control. The fine droplets produced by ULV fogging disperse through reaching places, such as:

  • crevices
  • cracks
  • foliage

Can you imagine how effective the disinfectant treatment will be? It is something special than any other disinfection options out there as it reaches hidden places where pesky creatures reside. Furthermore, using smaller amounts of chemicals than the conventional spraying alternatives is more environmentally friendly.

ULV fogging uses an ultra volume of chemicals that reduces the sprayed quantity of harmful substances. Dispersal never allows the chemical to be concentrated in a single spot. It doesn’t merely lessen environmental contamination, but collateral damage that happens to the beneficial organisms. As the liquid is formed of a mist fog with tiny droplets, it tends to break down quickly and never accumulate in the environment.

Does ULV fog work?

Hiring a professional ULV fogging service is the right decision to address pest control methods that work effectively. The fogging treatment can be done indoors and outdoors to control unwanted insects and pests. ULV foggers create particles up to 20-microns range and are best for mosquito control.

Many professional disinfectant services choose to offer this kind of treatment because its efficacy is remarkably notable. It has been used by many properties today, both residential and commercial spaces.