Monday, March 31

How to become a successful electrician in 2021

Close-up of Telephone Booth

Whether you’re thinking about going it on your own or you’re scaling your business this year, there are lots of things that you need to take into consideration as an electrician. We’ve put together some tips on becoming a successful businessperson, whatever your background… 

Keep your customers happy

One of the most important jobs as an electrician is to be good with customers. You’re working in a customer-facing role, and as a result, you need to be friendly, positive, and ready to help at all hours. Whether you’re stressed because you’ve taken on too many jobs or you’re having a bad day because of personal issues, you’ve got to maintain a professional and positive outlook when dealing with clients, both over the phone and in person. The better you are at this, the more likely you are to win over new clients and work. After all, people don’t buy from businesses, they buy from people. Your personal reputation matters.

Say no to late payments

It’s so easy to get caught up in your next job to forget about chasing the previous one, but as a small business owner, every payment counts. It’s vital that you have a strict policy on invoices – perhaps by asking clients to pay for work upfront or within 30 days of the job being finished. A growing number of electricians are turning to the PongoPay tradesmen payments service, which serves as a middleman and ensures that you’re always paid on time, with no need to chase your clients. Investigate and see whether it could be an option for your firm.

Professional development

Whether you’ve been an electrician for ten months or 10 years, the truth is that you’ll need to invest in professional development to ensure you’re able to deliver to your clients. Training not only helps you develop your career and add new strings to your bow, but it also ensures that you’re operating in the safest way possible at all times. It’s vital for insurance, too! From an annual PAT course to a one-day refresher, don’t overlook the value of ongoing training.

Dedication to your craft

If you want to make a success of your career in 2021, you need to put it first. You should arrive at your jobs on time every day, deliver the best possible service to clients, and use the finest equipment and supplies you have access to. Cutting corners or “phoning it in” will work in the short-term, but it could have a devastating impact on your business in the long run. Be passionate about what you do, enjoy each day, give each and every client your full attention, and you’ll find it much easier to thrive in your role as an electrician or small business owner.

Do you have any other tips? Let us know and check back to the blog soon for some more.